Irish Palatine Association Journals
We are always looking for ideas and articles for future journals. Please consider submitting material and don't forget to include photographs. We would appreciate feedback on any issue.

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Journals are 12.00 euros ea. (plus P&P)


Journal No.31 - 36 pages
Palatine Associated sites from London to Chester - Tom Upshaw.
Palatine Route to Chester in the London Gazette - Tom Upshaw.
Studying the History of Palatines in Ireland - Patrick Coleman
Ruttles, Pawnbrokers & Lawyers in Tralee, Rathkeale & Dublin - Patrick Breen
Concealed for a Century - Modler Book - Austin Bovenizer
A Visit from Melanie Alton - Austin Bovenizer

Journal No.30 - 36 pages
Nathaniel Switzer Letters, 1850-1857 - M.Maynes, P.Stewart, D.Bjore
Mary Raymond, a tribute
Rev. Joshua Kocherthal - Claire McCormick
The Sparlings of Newpark, Kilcooly, Co.Tipperary - Patrick Breen
An Irish Palatine Plays for Princesss Elizabeth - Denis Jones
Selecting Palatines for Ireland - Carolyn Heald

IPA Journal 29

Journal No.29 - 36 pages
Overview of the Palatine Community in Kilcooly, Co.Tipperary - Patrick Breen
A Little Document with a Bigger Story to Tell - Claire McCormick
List of Palatine Settlers Retroactively Offered Irish Citizenship - Tom Upshaw
On the Waltz - An Old Palatine Custom - Doris Spychalski/Austin Bovenizer
The Barbara Heck Medallion - Carolyn Heald
A Question of Identity - Claire McCormick

IPA Journal 28

Journal No.28 - 60 pages SPECIAL EDITION
This special edition of the IPA Journal presents a new transcription by Carolyn Heald of the London Lists of 1709. This is a landmark publication as it corrects many inaccuracies and flaws and will be the new authoritative source for genealogists and historians in the years to come. To accommodate the work this issue runs to 60 pages and includes reproductions of a selection of the original pages.

Introduction to the New Transcription of the Lists
First Arrivals - Taken in St. Catherine's 6th May, 1709
Second Arrivals - Taken at Walworth, 27th May, 1709
Third Arrivals - Taken at St. Cathrin's, 2nd June, 1709
Fourth Arrivals - Taken at St. Cathrin's and Deptford, 15th June 1709

Special Edition price 20.00 plus p+p

IPA Journal 27

Journal No.27 - 36 pages
The Irish Palatines in Sherrington, Quebec - Carolyn Heald
Tracing My Palatine Heritage - Reid Reynolds
Winestreet Experience - Doris Spychalski
Discovering our Great-Grandfather Francis Teskey - Gordon Littlejohn
The Genesis of my Palatine Journey - Patrick Adams
Daniel Defoe, A Journal of the Plague Year - Carolyn Heald
Dudley Levistone Cooney Remembered - Austin Bovenizer
Norma Earl Remembered - Mary Wallace

IPA Journal 26

Journal No.26 - 36 pages
In the Footsteps of our Irish Palatine Ancestors Tour 2018 - Ken McDonald
Almond Tree Bloossoms on the German Wine Road - Doris Spychalski
Caroline Lawrence - an Irish Palatine Journey - Denis Jones
Irish Palatine Association Announcement of Palatinate Tour 2020
Dutch or Deutsche - Austin Bovenizer
The Palatine Families of Ireland: My Own Personal Journey - Hank Jones
Lorna Shier & Barb Madry Remembered - Austin Bovenizer/Carol Jones

IPA Journal 25

Journal No.25 - 36 pages
Whispers on a Landscape - Claire McCormick
The Pipers Journey to South Africa & Rugby Fields of World - Kim Labuscahgne
Atlantic Voyage - David Switzer
George Hoffmann of Ballymacelligot & Waikato - Tania MacDonald
Remembering Bill Teskey and Frank Gleasure

IPA Journal 24

Journal No.24 - 32 pages
Irish Palatine Heritage Tour 2016 - Barbara Pittam
The New York Palatines and their Iroquois Indian Neighbours - Philip Otterness
The unexplored life of Frederick Teskey (1867 - 1928) - Max McNeill
Remembering Monika Lauer

IPA Journal 23

Journal No.23 - 32 pages
The fighting Palatines in the Easter 1916 Rising - Chris Shouldice
Museum Visitor Report
Shiers Forever - Barbara Bingham
Dreaming of the Homeland - Louie Ann McDonogh
Remembering Alberta Callender
Corneille Family Tales of Long Ago - Helen MacDonald
Irish Palatine Heritage Tour 2016

IPA Journal 22

Journal No.22 - 32 pages
People Make Places: A Retrospective Exploration - Patrick J. O’Connor
The Gravesite of Barbara Heck - Carolyn Heald
Visit to the Grave of Paul and Barbara Heck. A Leaf from My Sketch Book - Mrs. Phoebe Palmer
Rathkeale Victims and a Remarkable Survivor of Two Pre-Famine Shipping Tragedies - Liam Irwin
A Letter from John Miller, 1848 - Mary Wallace
New Committee Member: Gisela Holfter
Remembering Howard Baker and Jean Copeland

IPA Journal 21

Journal No.21 - 32 pages
Irish Palatines in Ontario Tour 2013 – Ken McDonald
The Awesome Truth We Brought Home to Ireland – Barbara Bingham
Austin Bovenizer receives the Eula C. Lapp Award – Carolyn Heald
My Irish Palatine Ancestry – Denis Jones, Norma Earl, Barbara Pittam, Karen Borden
Teskey Reunion – Ken McDonald

IPA Journal 20

Journal No.20 - 32 pages
Assenheim 300: Anniversary Celebrations of Rathaus – Austin Bovenizer
Newly Found German Origins of Some Irish Palatine Families – Henry Z Jones
The People of the Palatinate – Dr. Richard Henk
Kough Connection – Patricia Liddell
New Artefact – Austin Bovenizer
Excerpt from So Much in Life – F.S. Hinchy
Winter of 1708/1709 – Süddeutsche Zeitung
Irish Palatine Special Interest Group-Ontario Genealogical Society – Denis Jones
Remembering Bob Fizzell – Carolyn Heald
Remembering Lily Baker – Rev. Liz Hewitt

IPA Journal 19

Journal No.19 - 32 pages
J. Wesley Millers’ Visit to Ballingrane - Carolyn A. Heald
Probable German Origins of the Teskey Family - Henry Z.Jones
Irish Methodist Millers in Australia - Juanita Bryant
Courageous, Faithful, or Foolish - Jason P. Radmacher
High-Flying Irish Palatine - Derrick Bovenizer-Moloney
Extracts from the Dunraven Estate Papers - Carolyn A. Heald
Castle Oliver and the Churches of Kilflyn and Particles - Allan Callender
A Tribute to Michael Brosnan - Patrick J. O’Connor

IPA Journal 18

Journal No.18 - 32 pages
Palatines on the Castle Oliver Estate 1759-1882 - Vivien Hick
The Pfalz or Castle of the Palatinate (article from Saturday Magazine of 1836)
Rev. Dr. William Crook (1823-1897) Methodist minister and author of one of the most important books on the history of Irish Methodism - Dudley Levistone Cooney
Palatine Blessing recalls Rathkeales historic past - Gerard Fitzgibbon

IPA Journal 17

Journal No.17 - 28 pages
Thoughts on the Tercentenary Commemoration Trip to Ireland - Lisa Teskey
Assenheim Marks Tercentenary with Special Presentation - Austin Bovenizer
2009 Trip to Ireland - Mary Wallace
Killeheen Wesleyan Chapel Stone Unveiled - Austin Bovenizer
300th Anniversary Festivities in Assenheim - Derrick Bovenizer Moloney
Primary School Essays - Drung National School, Co. Cavan, Ireland

IPA Journal 16

Journal No.16 - 24 pages
The Castle & the Courtesan - The Story of Lola Montez
Ludwig I builds Palatinate Castle
Traditional Palatine Recipes
Visits to the Palatinate
Apple Tree Planting
Long Family Meeting in Adare
Fitzell Paternal Line from German Ancestor
New Information on the Name Fissel; Fitzel; Fitzell
Letter from Samuel Doupe, 1842
Rathkeale Traverses
Launch of IPA Journal No. 15
Colleges and Covered Bridges
Our Visit to Ireland

IPA Journal 15

Journal No.15 - 28 pages
Charles Wesley 1707-1788 - A Tercentenary Tribute
Connaught Rangers Association - Tour of the World War One Battlesites
Recreating the Journey of Our Ancestors - What was it like making the journey in 1709
Fitzell Family Reunion - meeting the descendants of William & Margaret Fitzell
Some Palatines in Australia - Piper Ancestors of Valerie Watts
Walter at Ninety - Remembering Walter Ruttle
Latchford Papers - Recent Acquisition

IPA Journal 14

Journal No.14 - 28 pages
At Home in Courtmatrix - Gary Switzer
John Wesley's Legacy to Ireland - Robin Roddie
The 'Jeanie Johnston' Replica Famine Ship - Christy Switzer
The Teskeys - Palatines with a Tuam connection - Dianne Teskey
The Grand Young Man of Politics - Martin Byrnes
Christy Raised Bar to New Levels in 20 year Career - Eamon Horan

IPA Journal 13

Journal No.13 - 36 pages
Irish Palatine Families Pfalz Tour - Carolyn Heald
Assenheim Sermon - Heiko Schwarz
Essenheim: An extra Stop on the Pfalz Tour - Bob Fizzell
Switzers of Grafton Street - Dudley Cooney
Conference Celerates Barbara Heck - Carolyn Heald

IPA Journal 12

Journal No.12 - 32 pages
A Volcano erupts - Dudley Levistone Cooney
Defoe and the Palatines - Dudley Levistone Cooney
In pursuit of the Grandmothers - Anne Ross
One Palatine Family in Australia - Susan Lauren Willig
They came to Camden Valley - David E. Embury
A Palatine Doctor in Canada - W. Roy Doupe
A Visit to Hinzweiler - Lily Baker
Wexford to Walhalla - Standish R. Hartrick
My Student Exchange Trip to Germany
Cackagay Cider Apple Alive and Well
Hollywood from Limerick to Los Angeles - Martin Byrnes
Palatine Square
Bob's Hope

IPA Journal 11

Journal No.11 - 32 pages
My Great Adventure - Canadian Dulmage meets Dolmetsch relatives in Germany
Ireland 41 years ago and today - two visits to the Bovenizers in Killeheen
The Myths of the Rising - an alternative perspective on the 1798 Irish Revolution
Remembering John Alton (1919 - 2000) - obituary
Shire of Brock - family reunion in Canada
Shouldice family reunions - held every 5 years from 1980 to 2000

IPA Journal 10

Journal No.10 - 28 pages
The Irish Palatines at Home - report on IPA event
Teskeys in Ireland 1999 - report on 5 day family reunion
How Glenosheen got its name - tracing Irish mythology
Adare Field Meeting 1842 - Methodist annual outdoor gathering
The Rams of Gorey - Palatine Landlords in County Wexford
Footloose in Ireland - two visits to Ireland compared
My Experience in the Rheinland Palatinate - a students report

IPA Journal 9

Journal No.9 - 28 pages
Theodore Roosevelt, the Palatines & Teddy Bears
Archibald Standish Hartrick - artist, correspondent, teacher & author
Maggie Alton - article on her life
The Stark Family is alive and well - genealogical report from New Zealand
Palatine Phantom - legend about old sailing ship named Palatine
Der Pfalzerwald - introduction to Palatine Forest
Making friends across national lines - report on school exchange
Reunion of Micksburg's Mick family
36th Switzer Biennial Reunion at Kirkton, Ontario
Byron Wesley Switzer 1908-1998 - obituary

IPA Journal 8

Journal No.8 - 28 pages
Wesley among the Palatines - extracts from his journals
Palatines in Ballyhoura Country - Ballyriggin, Ballyorgan, & Glenisheen
The Hartricks of New Ross, Co. Wexford - the success of this family
An Update on Teskey Family Research
A Sketch in the life of James Switzer - in his own words
St. John Family Notes
Methodist Palatine Honoured - vessel named after Barbara Heck
Medieval Documents Returning to the Pfalz
250 Years since Wesley landed - Celebrating Wesley's first visit to Ireland

IPA Journal 7

Journal No.7 - 32 pages
Rathkeale to strengthen its twin bonds - visitors from Bornheim
Palatine Serenade - Jager family perform in Rathkeale
Switzer Family Reunion - report on third Canadian reunion
Micks visitors to Ireland - a report
Embury and Zeiglers - new discoveries from Hank Jones
A Preachers Life - life as a Methodist itinerant preacher
Irish Palatine Story on the Internet - by Lorine McGinnis Schulze
The Southwells of Castle Matrix - a brief history of landlord family
Trench of Castle Oliver - a brief history of the landlord family
Physical Characteristics of the Palatines
Palatines and Pennsylvania Deutche - comparisons

IPA Journal 6

Journal No.6 - 24 pages
Palatines to Ireland '95 - report on1995 IPA tour in Ireland
Shouldice and Switzer Reunions - reports
Some Irish Palatine Surnames - explaining their meanings
Maiden Voyage of the Jane Black - Irish Immigrant Ship
Artefact reports. - Southwell Ring, Speyer Flag & Palatine Prayer Book
Palatine Postmark - a short explanation
The Psychological Benefits of Genealogy

IPA Journal 4

Journal No.4 - 24 page
New World Notes - discovery of Doupe Irish Palatine ancestry
In the footsteps of Christopher Miller - South African road overseer
The Hartricks of Ireland - Wexford Irish Palatine family
The Princess Augusta - story of ship bringing Palatines to America
Discovering the Teskey Family - researching a Genealogy

IPA Journal 3

Journal No.3 - 28 pages
Irish Palatine Heritage Centre phase one opens to public
Back to the Heartland - an Irish Palatine Homecoming
Palatine families in the rest of Ireland 1709-1720
A traverse of the Black Forest/Palatine region of Germany
Palatines in Ireland - translated report from German news paper
Embury Heck Memorial Church - details about the Church
Spotlight on Jim Sparling - and other Irish Palatine racing cyclists
An early remembrance - childhood memories of Vera Shier nee Teskey

IPA Journal 2

Journal No.2 - 24 pages
Irish Palatine Heritage Centre - Stone Laying Ceremony
Acquisition of the Southwell Papers
Palatine Families of the Southwell Estate 1709-1720
A recent traverse of the United States - by Austin Bovenizer
'Snowy' Baker - all around Australian sportsman
A Palatine Christmas - how our ancestors observed Christmas

Check here to view Journal Index

IPA Membership
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Since its inception in 1989 the Irish Palatine Association has worked to help protect and heighten awareness of the Irish Palatine story, not just amongst those of Irish Palatine heritage internationally but also others who are interested throughout the world. Please support us through our membership scheme to help aid us in preserving this unique story.

45.00 euros
Your Palatine Name of Interest

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